Ho do I add financing payments to my website?

Ho do I add financing payments to my website?

How to add financing payments to display on your website for a specific vehicle?

You can add or remove financing on a specific vehicle by following the steps below:

Step 1: Go to Inventory 
Step 2: Select the vehicle you would like to add/remove financing payments for
Step 3: Scroll down to the financing 
Step 4: Toggle ON or OFF 
Step 5: Override the default financing by turning the toggle ON for Special Financing 
Step 6: Scroll to the top and click on Save.

How to add financing payments to display on your website for every vehicle?

You can create a default setting in the inventory manager to add financing payments to your vehicles. If this feature is turned on all vehicles will show finance payments on the vehicle listing page (VLP) or vehicle detail page (VDP).

Step 1: Go to Inventory Settings.
Step 2: Go to Settings.
Step 3: Scroll down to Financing and turn the toggle ON.
Step 4: Select the down payment, Interest Rate, Term and Payment Frequency.
Step 5: Scroll to the top and click on Save.

Note: By turning the default financing ON, it will not update any existing vehicles and only apply to any new units you add moving forward.

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